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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

UW-Madison Defends Cruel Experiments on Chimpanzees

K Street lobbies hard over limits on medical research with chimps
Kevin Bogardus. The Hill - 01/31/12
.... Several research schools that don’t house chimps are also lobbying on the issue, fearing that other animals could someday be banned from research.

“We are concerned with where this might head concerning with what people can and cannot do with research,” said Rhonda Norsetter, director of federal relations for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “We respect the invaluable health research that is being conducted, including, in some cases, animal research.”

The University of Wisconsin-Madison does not conduct research with chimps, but it is part of the Association of American Universities (AAU), a trade group of 61 research schools, which has taken issue with the proposed legislation to ban the practice. ....

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