"The Inner Lives of Insects" Lars Chillka. Scientific American July/August 2023:
Excerpts from pg 31-32 passim:
"More than a trillion crickets, black soldier flies, mealworms, and other species are killed annually and the sector is expanding rapidly.... there are supposedly no ethical concerns with insects like there are with cows and chicken(s). In fact, some insect-farming companies promote the notion that insects lack any capacity for pain."
"This claim is demonstrably incorrect for all insect species tested so far."
"The 'colony collapse disorder' that you may have heard about in the media is not the result of some well-known pathogens but also of honeybees being literally stressed to death by ruthless beekeeping practices. Even brief shaking of bees induces a pessimistic emotionlike state. Now imagine the the effects of intense and prolonged vibrations imposed on bees when they are trucked across continents in sealed hives, sustained on artificial food and unable to defecate outside the hive. the typically finding themselves in crop monocultures that lack the diversity of the floral food bees normally require.
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