Monday, January 20, 2020

PHS self-reports 6A to 6Z

PHS self-reports
6A to 6Z


"... OLAW understands that four mice sustained dehiscences [reopening] of their cranial incision sites."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


 "... OLAW understands that two mice died and three required euthanasia after recieving an overdose of an anesthetic."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that over a period of several months four rabbits received expired  anesthetics, analgesics, and euthanasia solution."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate, correct, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that a male macaque sustained mild facial injuries after escaping from its cage which had not been locked by the animal care staff."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands that two mice died and four required euthanasia after developing peritonitis caused by non-sterile intraperitoneal injection of a drug."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands that a field study on sloths included attachment of radio collars to the animals although this activity had not been described in the approved protocol."

"OLAW understands that the research was not PHS-supported but concurs that the incident was serious and supports the actions taken by the ACUC."


"... OLAW understands that a nonhuman primate escaped its cage after a student failed to follow standard operating procedure regarding appropriate locking of the cage. Although the animal sustained no injuries another monkey bit its cage mate in response to the escape."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to reduce recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands that twelve mice died unexpectedly following surgery. ... The cause of death was not determined."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to reduce the likelihood of recurrence this problem."


"... OLAW understands that due to switched cage cards the wrong dog was used on an imaging procedure. The laboratory staff failed to verify the identity of the dog prior to use. The activity included anesthesia, catheterization, blood draw, and imaging."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that a rhesus monkey sustained an injury from another monkey after moving the divider between the cages. The panel had not been properly secured by the animal caretakers."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands that mice received a different post-operative analgesic than described in the approved protocol."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate, correct, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that young turkeys and chickens on a nutrition study experienced slow growth and unexpected mortality due to low levels of micronutrients in the feed."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands that 10 young quail died or required euthanization after  undergoing poorly performed debeaking procedures."

 "... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of the problem."


"... OLAW understands that steers on a pasture feeding trial experienced bloat and were treated for two days with an outdated bloat drug after the unexpired supplement was depleted."

"OLAW understands that the problem was corrected."


"... OLAW understands that goats were given feed with a calcium-phosphorus ratio with too little calcium. Two goats developed obstructive urolithiasis and were euthanized. Ultrasound evaluation revealed bladder stones in other goats.... This activity was not PHS funded."

"OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate these incidents and the additional actions taken to prevent recurrence are appropriate."

6P Missing

6Q Missing


"... OLAW understands the following...: 1) An anesthetized cynomolgus monkey was being carried by a technician when another caged animals grabbed and bit its tail. ...The tail tip was amputated... 2) A macaque was inadvertently fasted for one day because a food deprive tag had been left on the cage. 3) ... OLAW understands that five treatments for nonhuman primates were not performed due to human error by the technician. The treatments were for arthritis and a gastrointestinal problem ...

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of the problem."


"... OLAW understands that mice failed to receive post-operative analgesia as described in the protocol."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate, correct, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands the following...: 1) A rhesus monkey escaped its cage while being moved to a clean cage and sustained injuries to its cheek and finger. The finger required a partial digit amputation... 2) two marmosets which had been removed from their cage for dosing and blood collection were put back into the wrong cage, fought with the other animals, and one sustained a mild injury."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of these problems."


"... OLAW understands the following...: 1) Two adult rhesus monkeys sustained skin wounds due to fighting after being placed into test cages that did not have a secured divider. ... 2) For over a three year period, 478 mice failed to receive analgesia following tumor transplant surgery."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented in both situations to correct and prevent recurrence of the problem."


"... OLAW understands that five mice died and three required euthanasia after receiving fatty acids in ethanol gavage. The concentration of alcohol was not determined in advance and the mice died of ethanol toxicity.

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands the following...: 1) Mice were being bred and genotyped although this activity had not yet been approved by the animal care and use committee. ... 2) Rats on a water restriction protocol were not given water on one day."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken in both situations to investigate, correct, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"OLAW understands that eight monkeys did not have access to water over a weekend due to a laboratory staffer turning off the drinking water line rather than the pan flush water line."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of this problem."

6Y Missing

6Z Missing

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