Saturday, February 19, 2022

PHS self-report(s) 11A to 11Z

PHS self-reports


"... OLAW understands that on March 26, 2021, an adult macaque that was one-day post-op recieved its analgesic dose five hours later than scheduled when a veterinary technician tasked with administering the dose failed to remember the treatment.

"Corrective and preventative measures include the WNPRC considering how missed treatment alerts can be communicated in a timelier fashion via text to reduce the chance of similar events occurring in the future."

"The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin-Madison was consistent with the philosophy of self-regulation. Similarly, the pending action to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence is appropriate."


"... OLAW understands that on March 18, 2021, a macaque sustained an injury that required veterinary intervention when it exited its enclosure while an animal caretaker was transferring the animal for cage sanitation.

"Corrective an preventative measures include WNPRC making improvements to transport devices to reduce the chance of a similar even occurring in the future."

"The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin-Madison was consistent with the philosophy of self-regulation. Similarly, the pending action to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence is appropriate."


"... OLAW understands that over a 6-day period, an adult macaque received once daily doses of expired insulin."

"The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin-Madison was consistent with the philosophy of self-regulation. Similarly, the pending action to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence is appropriate."


"... OLAW understands that an infant macaque in the WNPRC nursery received its [sic] last PM handfeeding via bottle, but the caretaker forgot to provide the remainder of the bottle in the incubator for overnight self-feeding."

"Corrective and preventative measures included adding a new column to the Infant Care sheet to document that the bottle has been placed in the incubator...".

"The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin-Madison was consistent with the philosophy of self-regulation. Similarly, the pending action to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence were appropriate."


"... OLAW understands that on May 29, 2021, at the WNPRC, after handfeeding a 3-day old infant marmoset, an animal caretaker returned the infant to the nest box with its [sic throughout] sibling and mother but failed to return the the nest box to the home enclosure. Upon discovery the next morning, the nest box was returned to the home enclosure. During the overnight period the dam and offspring had no access to water but both infants had access to their mother overnight. One infant was euthanized later that day due to a poor prognosis for survival. The other infant is alive and healthy. In-room checks had already been performed prior to the last suplimental feeding."

"The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin-Madison was consistent with the philosophy of self-regulation. Similarly, the pending action to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence were appropriate."

11F Missing (These missing cases are "open cases." That is, OLAW is still involved in conversation with the university regarding the problems they reported or that OLAW became aware of as a result of the undercover investigation. See Case 10K.

11G Missing

11H Missing

11I Missing


This case was opened in response to a complaint to OLAW by Rise for Animals (previously the New England Anti-Vivisection Society) regarding WNPRC's failure to adequately monitor blood-draw volumes. The project appears to be a privately funded project involving the Zika virus which means that the screw-ups were probably in Thomas Friedrich's lab. There are multiple documents in the file.

11K Missing


"... OLAW understands that several corrective and preventative measures were taken. A new SOP was created detailing requirements for proper labeling, checking, and disposal of expired drugs.... Retraining was also provided...

"In this incident, for 36 days two adult macaques received doses of expired oral acetaminiphen because the expiration date written on the bottle was mislabeled.


From a letter to OLAW from from Daniel Uhlrich, School of Medicine and Public Health and SMPH IACUC, and Nadine Connor, associate vice chancellor for research policy and compliance in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education:

"A laboratory was performing a non-surgical procedure on rabbits to infect their eyes with an experimental agent. The protocol calls for the use of topical anesthetic drops on the eyes. However, the team discovered that their topical anesthetic had expired. Since the experiments were in-progress, the lab decided to withold the topical anesthetic rathter than use the expired drug."

"OLAW appreciates the prompt consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin-Madison which is consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation."

This file includes a copy of the university's "Animal User Orientation" on-line brochure.


"... this Office understands that the University of Wisconsin Animal Care and Committee (ACUC) determined that instances of noncompliance occurred with respect to ... lack of food in cage housing animals.... A room housing six Peromyscus leukopus mice was identified with a door husbandry sheet that was not checked off by laboratory personnel from June 26 to 29, 2021. It is stated that one cage did not have food present but no animals appeared harmed and no deaths occurred.

Retraining of the laboratory personnel and PI was completed by the Research Veterinatian and facility supervisor....\

We appreciare being informed of the matters and find no cause for further action by this Office."


"... this Office understands that the University of Wisconsin Animal Care and Committee (ACUC) determined that an adverse event occurred with respect to: a nonhuman primate that sustained an injury to its hand within its enclosure ... An adult macaque was discovered with its left hand caught between a perch and the wall... In response, the animal was extricated and required amputation of two digits on the left hand....

We appreciare being informed of the matters and find no cause for further action by this Office."


"... this Office understands that the University of Wisconsin Animal Care and Committee (ACUC) determined that an adverse event occurred with respect to: the actions of inexperienced animal care personnel resusulting in the injury of a nonhuman primate (adult macaque.) The final report states than an adult macaque sustained an injury to the tip of its tongue. The animal was inadvertently placed in a new enclosure ... which was equipped with a mesh divider rather than a solid divider. As a result the animal was able to make contact with another macaque, which resulted in the injury. It was determined that the animal care technician (ACT) was in training and ... believed they knew what to do. ... the ACT was immediately trained...

We appreciate being informed of the matters and find no cause for further action by this Office."


"OLAW understands that in August 2021, a macaque received an overdose of an agent prescribed for diabetes mellitus when a more concentrated formulation of the agent was given than what was prescribed. ... this occurred because a more concentrated version of the agent was ordered, but the concentration was not changed in the electronic health records (RHR) system... The animal was not adversly affectged by the inadvertent overdose.

We appreciate being informed of the matters and find no cause for further action by this Office."


"OLAW understands that four rats died approximately 10 minutes following administration of a combination of ketamine and xylazine being used to anesthetize animals for a protocol-approved procedure. The dose, and route of the administration were the same as had previously been given successfully and followed the protocol description. After remixing the drug, four rats underwent anesthesia with no complications. was determined that the likely cause was a mixing error. The veterinary technician involved underwent retraining... Appoximately three weeks later, two rats died in a similar incident. ...

"The veterinary technician involved has undergone further retraining...

"The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin-Madison was consistent with the philosophy of self-regulation. Similarly, the pending action to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence were appropriate."


"... OLAW understands that on 11/10/2021, a water line was found to not be properly secured to a mouse rack. The flexible line was attached to give the appearance of being properly in place, and there was no water leakage at the attachment point. Howeve, the line not secured sufficiently to supply the rack with an appropriate amount of water. Ten mice were reported dead secondary to the incident.

The animal facility supervisor re-checked all the water lines in the facility after the event and provided retraining to animal care staff on properly securing and checking water line attachments.

... The consideration of this incident by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."


"... OLAW understands that an infant macaque received an overdose of midazolam during a 24-hr procedure due to miscommunication between veterinary personnel....

... The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."


"... OLAW understands that an adult female macaque was reported for trauma to her tail which required nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory treatment as well as primary closure with sutures. Several days after primary closure, some of the sutures dehised [the wound opened inspite of the sutures] and antibiotics were added to the treatment regimen. The animal received antibiotics for the first three days, but the final two days of antibiotic were administered to the the animal's cage mate. Despite missing the last two days of treatment, the animal's tail wound healed well.... the veterinary technician responsible for the antibiotic treatment for the wrong animal no longer is employed by the WNPRC.

... The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."


"... OLAW understands that on October 26, 2021, an adult make macaque received an IV infusion of an immunologig agent as described in the protocol. At the end of the infusion, the IV catheter was supposed to be flushed with saline but was inadvertently with a small portion of of the same animal's anti-retroviral theropy dose which was supposd to be delivered subcutaneously.

... The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."


"... OLAW understands that an adult make macaque did not receive its prescribed valium treatment for self-directed behavior. The one missed treaatment did not result in an increase in the self-directed behavior as the animal was currentlty receiving more than one agent to combat the unwanted behavior.

... The consideration of this matter by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."


"... OLAW understands that two macaques were treated with an antiobiotic for for experimental reasons as suggested by a veterinarian. This antibiotic treatment was not indicated in the protocol....

The consideration of this unfortunate incident by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."


"... OLAW understands that on December 7, 2021, an adolescent macaque escaped it' primary enclosure when the animals living in the enclosure defeated the welds on the feeding door. While out of the enclosure, the animal sustrained superficial injuries that required veterinary intervention with a non-steroidal anti-inflamitory. The animal recovered....

The consideration of this unfortunate incident by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."


"... OLAW understands that an adolescent macaque was found entrapped within an enrichment device. The animal was immediately removed upon discovery and CPR was initiated but was unsuccessful....

The enrichment device in question and similar devices at the facility were removed from the large social enclosures to prevent recurrence of a similar event....

The consideration of this unfortunate incident by the University of Wisconsin - Madison was consistent with the philosophy of institutional self-regulation.... We... find no cause for further action by this office."

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