Monday, January 20, 2020

PHS self-reports 5A to 5Z

PHS self-reports
5A to 5Z


"According to the information provided, a research staffer administered anesthetic to a mouse whose leg was swollen after becoming caught in the cage wire. The individual failed to notify the veterinarian about the injury or the administration of the drug."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that a marmoset died while under anesthesia due to a veterinary technician closing  a port on the endotracheal tube which caused pneumothorax. Also, the anesthesia machine used was nor appropriate for this procedure." 

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to  prevent recurrence of this problem."

5C Missing


"... OLAW understands that a rhesus monkey received an overdose of anesthesia based on body weight because the veterinary student responsible failed to verify the animal's identification."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of the problem."


"... OLAW understands that two anesthetics used during a terminal pig surgery had not been described in the approved protocol."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands that several mice over 28 days of age were subjected to tail biopsies without anesthesia."

"OLAW understands that the protocol was not PHS-supported, but concurs that the incident was serious and concurs with the actions taken by the Animal Care and Use Committee.


"... OLAW understands that 15 mice died of suffocation after being transported between facilities in  cardboard containers without adequate ventilation."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


"... OLAW understands that one rat was subjected to glaucoma surgery in both eyes although the approved protocol described the procedure for only one eye."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."


 "... OLAW understands that two additional rhesus monkeys were determined not to have received analgesia per protocol after being injected with subcutaneously with [redacted].

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate action was taken to investigate, correct, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that a young macaque died of asphyxiation after pulling a chain, holding an enrichment device, into the cage and wrapping it around its neck."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of the problem."


"... OLAW understands that several rats did not have access t water over a three day weekend because the bottles had been turned over to avoid leakage during cage transport."

 "... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of this problem."


 "... OLAW understands the following about the incidents...: 1) Due to a transposition of animal weights by a veterinary technician, one nonhuman primate received an overdose of an anesthetic and reversal agent, while the other monkey was under-dosed with the drugs.... 2) A monkey broke its cage lock and escaped. 3) Two adult male macaques sustained fight injuries due to engaging eachother through an open cage divider. The animal caretaker had  failed to lock the divider and did not notice the problem during the cage checks."

"Both animals were treated, but one was euthanized under anesthesia due to cardiopulmonary depression." [Neither Google nor either of my two medical dictionaries mention "cardiopulmonary depression."]

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented in each situation to prevent recurrence of the problem."


"... OLAW understands that a jugular cut-down procedure was performed on an anesthetized pig to obtain blood although this procedure was not described on the approved protocol."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate action was taken to investigate and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that a zebra finch broke its leg after flying into the waste pan under the cage as it was being cleaned."

"OLAW concurs with the actions taken to address the situation..."


"... OLAW understands that two heifers drowned after gaining access to a manure pit."

 "... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of this problem."


 "... OLAW understands that an individual was working with zebra fish for an extended period of time but had not been listed on the approved protocol."

 "... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of this problem."

5Q Missing

5R Missing


"... OLAW understands the following about the incidents...: 1) Laboratory staff failed to provide a daily health check on 34 ground squirrels. 2) Two rats died from an overdose of anesthetic. Because the animals were were slow to achieve a surgical plan[e] of anesthesia, the laboratory staff administered additional doses of [the] drug although this had not be[en] approved in the protocol."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate action was taken to investigate, correct, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."

10/31/2013 [sic]

"... OLAW understands that two nonhuman primates were able to escape their cage because the lock had been incorrectly placed allowing the animals to open it. One monkey sustained hand wounds which required two partial digit amputations."

 "... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of this problem."

11/22/2013 [sic]

 "... OLAW understands the following about the incidents...: 1) on two separate occasions, two macaques sustained skin burns due to exposure to an intermittently malfunctioning heat lamp. 2) One macaque escaped its cage and injured its toes.  No problem was identified with the cage. A second  macaque died due to internal bleeding while undergoing an ultrasound guided liver biopsy.

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented in all situations to correct and prevent recurrence of the problem."


"... OLAW understands that one monkey escaped its cage by bending open the door and then bit another monkey's tongue."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to correct and prevent recurrence of this problem."

12/11/2013 [sic]

"... (OLAW) acknowledges receipt of your December 9, 2013 letter reporting the suspension of three animal activities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. OLAW understands that the School of Veterinary Medicine Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) took this action after determining that an investigator failed to submit protocol renewals in a timely fashion despite receiving numerous reminders. The protocols involved teaching activities using large animals."

"OLAW understands that the research was not PHS-supported but concurs that the incident was serious and supports the actions taken by the ACUC."

5X Missing


"... OLAW understands the following about the incidents...: 1) a rhesus monkey failed to receive a single daily dose of post-operative antibiotics due to a failure to schedule the procedure by a veterinary technician. 2) A PET scan was performed on a monkey outside the time-frame described in the approved protocol."

"... OLAW is satisfied that appropriate actions have been taken to investigate, correct, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance."


"... OLAW understands that a ground squirrel was administered an experimental radio-isotope by oral gavage although the approved protocol stated that this was to be given by intraperitoneal injection."

"... OLAW understands that measures have been implemented to prevent recurrence of this problem."

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