Responding to University of Wisconsin-Madison's Response to Dr. Ruth Decker's petition asking the University of Wisconsin, Madison to stop Ned Kalin's cruel dead-end experiments on baby rhesus monkeys
UW-Madison says:
Since September, many people have taken interest in a University of Wisconsin–Madison
study on the impact of early life stress on young rhesus monkeys. Thousands
have added their names to a petition on the website, calling for an
end to the work, and we appreciate and share their concern for animals.
In fact, interest in and criticism of this project has been
on going since early in 2012, when the Madison-based animal rights group, the
Alliance for Animals, reviewed the minutes from one of the two animal care and
use committees that evaluated and eventually approved Ned Kalin's project and
began a campaign to stop it. Lori Gruen, Professor of Philosophy and Director
of Ethics in Society at Wesleyan
University criticized the
project on September 14, 2012, in a public speaking event sponsored by
UW-Madison at its much-hyped biomedical science cathedral, the Wisconsin
Institutes for Discovery. In May of 2013, the project was the topic of another
event on campus, "The Ethics of Animal Experimentation: A conversation
between bioethicist Rob Streiffer and research critic Rick Marolt." The large
room was crowded with interested people.
It was in September of this year that UW-Madison took
more notice of the criticism because the project finally came to the attention
of many more people when (after two years of prodding) Madison's weekly newspaper, Isthmus, put the story on
its cover: Motherless monkeys: UW-Madison to revive controversial primateexperiments: Researchers will deprive infants of maternal contact to studyanxiety and depression. Noah Phillips on Thursday 07/31/2014.
UW-Madison says that it shares with the nearly 350,000 people
who have signed the position, "their concern for
animals." I doubt it.
UW-Madison says: But
we don’t appreciate the way petition’s author, Dr. Ruth Decker, misrepresents
the research. By piling up mistakes, myths and exaggerations, and omitting
important information, she asks well-meaning people to speak out with little
understanding of the real science and the long, deliberative process through
which it was approved.
Petulant and condescending. What they really don't like are
those 350,000 well-meaning people who have little understanding of the real
science. The Real Science. Mistakes, myths, exaggerations, and omissions? UW-Madison's mistakes, myths, exaggerations, and omissions of information
concerning its use of animals is legendary.
The long deliberative process UW-Madison refers to is a
discussion, usually perfunctory, among a group of people whose livelihoods
depend on the continuing flow of the tax dollars that pay for experiments on
animals. The committees are required to have a member who is not affiliated
with the institution. In practice, among the dozen people sitting around the
table, one or two of them will be non-affiliated members. All the others are
usually financially dependent on NIH grant monies.
But this project did get held up. Even some vivisectors
thought it was extreme. A very rare phenomena.
UW-Madison: The truth is of little concern to activists who
wish to end animal research, no matter the benefit to humans and animals. We
don’t share that sentiment. We prefer people make their judgments on animal
research with a fuller understanding of the research — of both its costs and
potential benefits.
I'm no psychologist, but this appears to be a projection of UW-Madison 's self-image onto those it thinks of as the enemy. The truth is
poison to UW-Madison . UW-Madison has destroyed large many records regarding their experiments on animals to keep them out
of the public eye. They apparently don't want the public to be able to become
informed. Even here, when UW-Madison says that they prefer people make
their judgments with a fuller understanding of the research, why didn't they
provide a link to the approved protocol? Why not encourage people to read it
themselves? Here's a link to the protocol; it is available to the public only
because UW-Madison's critics think the facts matter.
UW-Madison: This is not a repeat of experiments UW–Madison
psychology professor Harry Harlow conducted as many as five decades ago, some
of which subjected animals to extreme stress and isolation.
This is a half truth. Harlow
did conduct experiments similar to these, sans any claim of some possible new
drug emerging from it. He reported on the behavior of monkeys raised in nearly
identical ways: pulled from their mothers at birth, put alone into a cage until
able to self-regulate their body temperature, and then put with another infant
the same age. He published photographs of them clinging to each other.
UW-Madison: The methods for the modern work were selected
specifically because they can reliably create mild to moderate symptoms of
anxiety in the monkeys. They were chosen to minimize discomfort for the
animals, and to minimize the number of animals required to provide researchers
with answers to their questions.
And those questions are? They don't say, in spite of their
stated desire that people have a fuller understanding of the research. This is
the question: what patentable gene sequence might be a precursor to some part
of some neurochemical pathway associated with some form of mental illness? That
really is it. All their other claims are just window dressing.
As far as the reliable creation of mild to moderate anxiety,
that's not really what they are doing. No one seeing human children behaving as
Kalin expects the young monkeys will behave would describe them as being mild to
moderately anxious. In fact, the American Psychological Association says that
mild to moderate anxiety in humans can be helpful. They say that that's what we
feel "When you're driving in heavy traffic or struggling to meet a
The idea that the feelings I have in heavy traffic are very
much like what infant monkeys raised first in solitary confinement and then
with a similarly traumatized male infant in a small cage, is ludicrous. The
American Psychological Association goes on to give examples of genuine anxiety
disorders and notes that: "Fortunately, there is effective treatment for anxiety disorders."
More evidence that the university isn't accurately describing Kalin's project.
UW-Madison: There is no “solitary confinement.” The animals
live in cages with other monkeys of their own age, a method of care called peer
rearing. This method is often used when mothers reject their infant monkeys,
which happens regularly in situations from nature to zoos to clinical nurseries
with first-time mothers or following caesarean-section births.
Complete gibberish. The baby monkeys are confined alone for
the first 4 to 6 weeks of their lives. In normal circumstances they would be
clinging to their mothers, being fondled, inspected, and cleaned by them, in constant contact. Infant monkeys and infant humans have very different
psychosocial needs when they are very young. Infant humans benefit from regular
touch whereas infant rhesus monkeys have a profound need for contact. It is
easy to understand this difference when considered from an evolutionary
perspective. Humans, like cats and dogs, are atricial; we are born at an
earlier developmental stage than many other animals and are nearly helpless and
not very aware of our surroundings. Rhesus monkeys on the other hand must cling
to their mothers very soon in order to survive. They are more developed,
physically and cognitively at birth than are humans. The trauma to them from
being taken from their mothers has no counterpart in humans.
After 4 to 6 weeks they are caged with another infant of the
same age and similarly maternally deprived. The university says, "The
animals live in cages with other monkeys." No they don't. Two
babies are in a cage. No infant is caged with "other monkeys."
UW-Madison says that peer rearing "happens
regularly in situations from nature to zoos...." That's ridiculous. Two motherless
infants can't raise each other. Nothing like this ever occurs in nature. UW-Madison must think the people reading their nonsense will believe anything.
And zoos go to great lengths when monkeys are orphaned in an effort to ameliorate the well
known impacts of being orphaned. In the Kalin project, the vivisectors
intentionally don't employ the techniques that are known to lesson the negative
impacts of peer rearing.
The serious consequences of peer rearing are known widely by
those who raise monkeys in the laboratory setting. "Nursery rearing is the
single most important risk factor in the development of severe forms of
abnormal behavior, such as self-biting, in rhesus macaques. This practice is
common in research laboratories and typically involves continuous pair housing
of infants without maternal contact." The effects of four nursery rearing
strategies on infant behavioral development in rhesus macaques (Macaca
mulatta). Rommeck I1, Gottlieb DH, Strand
SC, McCowan B. J Am Assoc Lab
Anim Sci. 2009 Jul.
UW-Madison: The animals in the study are not “terrorized,”
and do not experience “relentless torture.”
They may as well have claimed that dancing fairies come at
midnight and entertain them. I suspect that every time one of the infants is
pulled away from what or whomever they are clinging that the emotion they
experience is very much terror. In fact, when not trying to score PR points, UW-Madison agrees that the baby monkeys are terrorized. In 1998, UW-Madison wrote about Ned Kalin's experiments and said, "Being separated from mother terrifies infant primates."
As far as relentless torture, torture seems to be a plastic concept in the hands of government. Can torture be psychological? It seems to me that social and environmental deprivation could be torturous. If so, then it seems that from the babies perspective, they could be experiencing relentless torture. And certainly, the repeated separations will be torturous experiences. And the procedures they will be subjected to are intended to add to their distress.
As far as relentless torture, torture seems to be a plastic concept in the hands of government. Can torture be psychological? It seems to me that social and environmental deprivation could be torturous. If so, then it seems that from the babies perspective, they could be experiencing relentless torture. And certainly, the repeated separations will be torturous experiences. And the procedures they will be subjected to are intended to add to their distress.
UW-Madison: Most of their time is spent as a house pet would
spend its days — grooming, sleeping, eating and playing with toys, puzzles and
other animals.
Who keeps their house pet in a small cage 24 hours a day, every day? I'm
sure they do pick at themselves, but at their age, their mothers would be
grooming them. And they do eat and sleep. But the claim that they play with
toys, puzzles, and other animals is very misleading. In the wild, monkeys don't
seem to have toys or play with things as if they are toys, so calling some object
put into their cage a toy, is misleading. The monkeys are not sitting around
solving puzzles either.
Monkeys kept in standard laboratory cages are prone to
developing a number of aberrant behaviors, which for some monkeys can include
self-inflicted trauma. It was discovered that these often deleterious behaviors
can be moderated or reduced if the monkey's attention can be kept engaged.
Puzzle feeders are now a common item in the monkey labs. Their kibble is put
into a device that makes it difficult to get to. A monkey must work to retrieve
a piece. That's nothing like someone playing with a puzzle.
This is the second time in their response that they say the
monkeys are with, and now get to play with, other animals.
This is like you being kelp in a prison 24/7 with a cell mate,
and me telling someone concerned for your well being that you get to be with
UW-Madison: On occasion, to assess the monkeys’ level of
anxious temperament, they are observed under two anxiety-provoking conditions.
The first involves the presence of an unknown person who briefly enters the
room, but does not make eye contact with the monkey. The second involves the
monkey being able to see a snake, which is enclosed in a covered Plexiglas
container in the same room, but outside the monkey’s cage.
This makes it sound like the monkeys will have only two
anxiety producing experiences. But of course, they will really have many more.
Let's count them. We can see a sort of timeline in a chart showing the planned procedures early
in this video. The chart predicts that all the manipulations, imaging, and
tissue collection will be complete before each monkey's 60th week of age. They
will be killed at some unspecified time, but according to the chart, they will
no more than 80 weeks old. During that 60 week period, beginning the moment
they are pulled from their mothers, each monkey will undergo: 7 human intruder
tests; 5 MRIs; 9 blood draws; 5 PET scans; 1 skin biopsy; 2 spinal taps; 1
exposure to a snake; be exposed to an unknown monkey 2 times; and be observed
in a "play cage" 2 times. When they are about 25 weeks old, they will
be taken from their cage mate, and placed with a new monkey (who has undergone
the same procedures).
Some of those events happen on the same day. The human
intruder, blood draw, and PET scan all occur in immediate succession on the
same day. Overall, the monkeys will be manipulated in some way every week.
Their separation from their original cage mate must be a particularly stressful
experience. Many of the procedures will entail being taken from their cage mate.
These repeated separations are likely to exacerbate the separation anxiety the
monkeys may experience. Together, this host of experiences seems much different
from UW-Madison's glossed over description of what will happen to the babies in their response to Dr. Decker's petition.
UW-Madison: The
stress the monkeys experience is comparable to what an anxious human might feel
when encountering a stranger or a snake or a nurse with a needle.
That's more meaningless gibberish. How does an anxious person
behave and feel? There are people who are so anxious that they can't leave
their home. They might faint if confronted by a stranger. I took an on-line
anxiety test at Psychology Today. It said I have "Existential
Anxiety." I like snakes. Strangers? For me it depends on the context. All
anxious people have the same reactions to a stranger, a snake, and a nurse with
a needle? What silliness. Hardly scientific.
UW-Madison: No one was “left out” of the review by
UW–Madison oversight committees. Several university committees spent a great
deal of time assessing Dr. Kalin’s anxiety research, and each committee found
it to be acceptable and ethical.
Context matters here too. Those committees approve
essentially every project they consider. It isn't a surprise that they approved
this one. What is surprising, what is a complete and novel departure from
business as usual, is the fact that someone embedded in the system said no. They
gummed up the works and stalled the project; its eventual approval was probably
never in doubt. Essentially every project gets approved, and Ned Kalin is a
powerful senior administrator and researcher.
And, the committees didn't decide that the experiments are
ethical. There is noting in the very limited committee minutes suggesting that
any ethical analysis took place, but that is as expected. There are no
committees at UW-Madison or at most other labs in the US that make
ethical decisions about the use of animals. The IACUC Handbook (2nd Edition.
CRC. 2007) notes that the committees are not able to make ethical evaluations. The
committees decide only if the planned use of animals complies with federal regulations. If it does not, the
committee explains to the researcher what must be changed to gain approval, and
at times even provides prewritten responses for use on the forms.
UW-Madison: These were groups of researchers, veterinarians
and public representatives tasked with considering animal research on ethical
grounds, and with ensuring potentially beneficial research will subject the
fewest animals to the least invasive measures.
If true, the university has invented a new kind of
committee. But their ersatz balm doesn't ring true to me. I have reviewed the minutes of many
years of three of UW-Madison's animal use committees, two of which are the ones
that approved Kalin's new project. I have seen little if any evidence that the
committees ever engage in discussion about the ethics of a particular project
or the enterprise at large. But again, that isn't surprising because the
committees are not charged with making ethical determinations by either NIH or
USDA, the two main federal agencies involved in the oversight of animal
"[P]otentially beneficial" is justification for
just about anything. Every lottery ticket is a potential winner.
UW-Madison: As the petition notes, an animal rights group
took allegations about the committee process to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. What the petition does not mention is that USDA conducted an investigation in August in
response to that complaint. Inspectors found the complaint lacking merit, and
the process to be entirely within compliance with federal regulations.
Maybe that's what the inspectors found, but it isn't what
they said. This is the body of the report:
No non-compliant items identified during this inspection.
This was a focused inspection conducted on 8/25/14 and
Exit interview conducted on 8/27/14 with facility
Regular observers of reports from USDA inspectors know that
a different inspector might have found differently. In any case, the report
says only that whatever the committee did was in compliance with animal welfare
regulations. We don't really know what was said during the committee meetings because UW-Madison has taken steps to keep the public from learning the plain facts. And they are being sued because of it.
What led to some observers imaging that there may have been
a violation of some sort may have been the result of something called designated review. When a committee explains to a researcher what they need to do to make
their project acceptable, it frequently defers further review by the entire
committee and leaves the final approval a designated committee member.
For members who were opposed to the project, consignment to designated review
could have made them feel locked out of any opportunity to further their
UW-Madison: Most importantly, the petition repeatedly
maligns the research as “needless” and “unnecessary.” We and many others think
otherwise. Dr. Kalin, who treats human patients with anxiety and depression
disorders, has worked for more than 30 years to understand both inherited and
environmental causes of mental illness. His research was also reviewed
and supported by panels of scientists at the National Institutes of Mental
By "We" UW-Madison means those whose
income rely on the continuous turn of the federal tax dollar treadmill of
animal experimentation. As far as many others thinking his work should be
funded, most of them are also financially dependent on the treadmill's
perpetual motion. The appeal to our sympathy for patients would be less
manipulative if it mentioned the number of patients he sees in a day. I suspect
it is less than one. His role as a university administrator and as a lead scientist
on four tax-payer-funded projects must use up at least some of his time:
5 R01 MH046729 20
5 R01 MH081884 06
5 R21 MH092581 02
5 P50 MH100031 02 6276
You'll notice too that UW-Madison refers to a statement from Tom
Insel, M.D., director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) as
evidence of others thinking the experiments have merit:
“One only has to look at the Ebola crisis to appreciate the
vital role that animals play in biomedical research, in this case, in the
testing of potentially life-saving vaccines. But, it doesn’t stop there.
Neuropsychiatric disorders are the leading cause of disability in the U.S.
Advances in understanding and treating these devastating conditions rests on fundamental
basic behavioral and brain science that, as with infectious diseases, begins
with carefully conducted studies in animals. NIMH has supported the research in
the Kalin lab for many years. This support is part of our commitment to the
belief that careful, well-founded, peer-reviewed research such as this will
lead to improvements in our understanding and treatment of mental disorders.”
Well, when I look at the Ebola crisis, I see something else.
In any case, the support for Kalin boils down to this: "NIMH has supported
the research in the Kalin lab for many years." That's true, and they
should be ashamed of it. But shame isn't in the palette of emotions of most
vivisectors and Tom Insel is no exception.
60 Minutes ran a piece on the Yerkes Primate
Research Center,
maybe 15 years ago. They showed sedated monkeys being thrown into the back of
an open-bed truck as if they were sacks of potatoes. They also interviewed Tom
Insel, who was at the time the director of the primate center. They asked him
about monkey escapes from the primate center, and he said there hadn't been
any. Then they interviewed a young girl, she was maybe five years old. She told
about the monkey that had come onto the deck in their back yard. Insel had been
caught in a blatant lie. Insel's opinion on animal research hardly matters
since without it, he'd be out of a job. A small bit of trivia: Insel's own
research was focused on the function of oxytocin in stressed mice and voles.
UW-Madison: The decision to study animal models to understand
human psychiatric disorders is not made lightly.
Given the obscene amounts of money involved, they indeed
take the matter very seriously.
UW-Madison concludes with this: In this case, the human
suffering is so great that Kalin, the National Institutes of Health and
UW–Madison’s review committees believe the potential benefit of the knowledge
gained from this research justifies the use of an animal model.
But the people at NIH who approved the project are
vivisectors too. They are financially vested in the continuation of the
practice as is just about everyone at UW-Madison who has supported it.
The potential benefit should be considered by weighing the
proven benefits of Kalin's past research. But that metric isn't used by NIH or
UW-Madison because there haven't been any benefits from Kalin's past research,
and such a weighing would make it plain that the likelihood of benefit from his
new project is nil.
Rick, thank you so much for taking the time to so thoroughly cover UW Madison research. I had always thought highly of this premiere Institution until learning the facts and details behind the maternal deprivation study. I am so sad and disappointed the UW would be involved in such cruelty.
ReplyDeleteKalin's baseline is skewed before he even begins by creating Failure to Thrive syndrome in these infants to one degree or another.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughtful peice. The fact that Kalin's work has not yet produced a single concrete positive outcome for humans is noteworthy. In addition as wildlife rehabilitators know, the survival rate for infant animals increases dramatically when a surrogate mother can be found. Quite the opposite of this so called research.
ReplyDeleteThe financial backing and support of cruel, unnecessary and quite frankly, ludicrous experiments on ANY animal in the name of "research" is strong evidence of how institutions in our world keep people under thumb and scare them into whatever beliefs they're pushing at the time. Instead of working towards - and looking for - POSITVE help for people who suffer, the unimaginable torture of innocent animals in the name of 'science' supports only NEGATIVENESS. It does, however, as Rick points out keep those deep UW pockets full. But I ask, what kind of forward thinking is vivisection in a world that seems to think humans are the most advanced beings?! It's not (duh). Even the smallest living being on the planet can work together for the benefit of the group better than we can. I'm ashamed to live in such a society - when will people wake up? Thanks, Rick, for your words.
ReplyDeleteI attempted to call one of the numbers from the petition update. Their voicemails are shut down and not taking messages. Guess you're making an impression. Thought the dark ages of torture were over. But unsurprisingly, some humans find it impossible to believe what they do is horribly wrong. Thank you for your dedication- this is a cause I've felt deep in my heart since I was a young girl. Don't ever give up!