Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The end of primate research in Europe

Was there ever any doubt that on any matter of social progress that the U.S. would not be in the vanguard? September 7, 2007 is a red letter day for animals everywhere.

UK group achieves 393 MEP signatures to signal the end of primate research in Europe

Animal Defenders International's (ADI) campaign to end lab primates' misery has achieved a major victory today as 393 MEPs put their signatures to Written Declaration 40/2007 in the European Parliament - the requisite number needed to trigger its adoption and end primate testing in Europe.

The declaration, sponsored by UK MEP John Bowis, French MEP Martine Roure, Swedish MEP Jens Holm, German MEP Rebecca Harms and Slovenian MEP Mojca Drcar Murko, calls for a ban on the use of Great Apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, gorillas), and on the use of wild-caught primates, as well as a phase-out of all primate use in EU laboratories.

Jan Creamer, ADI chief executive said, "This marks a major victory not only for ADI but for all the primates who have been incarcerated in laboratories throughout Europe. Ahead of Thursday's deadline, our relentless campaigning has paid off and today we have achieved signatures of half of Europe's MEPs. This is history in the making and will end the suffering of some 10,000 primates a year in European labs and the adoption of more reliable modern alternatives."

Animal Defenders International
Millbank Tower
London, SW1P 4QP, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7630 3340
Fax: +44 (0)20 7828 2179

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