Animal research no use against human diseases
Rick Marolt: Animal research no use against human diseases
A letter to the editor — 9/29/2007 Capital Times
Dear Editor: At a public debate on Sept. 26, Dr. Ray Greek made the argument, supported by much data and clear logic, that animal research does not and cannot help us cure human disease or find safe and effective drugs for humans. His debate opponent, Eric Sandgren from the UW-Madison, failed to present a meaningful rebuttal.
All of us should be outraged. Billions of our tax dollars have been used for decades to fund cruel and fatal experiments on emotional, social, intelligent animals because we believed that the research was necessary for curing human disease and finding safe and effective drugs for humans. Now we learn that we've been wrong and that our money should be going not to animal studies but to other research that does actually help humans.
The UW must now start the process of ending its animal research, and the Legislature must consider how to end animal research throughout the state.
But the UW benefits from animal research, and the Legislature won't act until the citizens demand change. So it's time for citizens to demand change from both institutions. Our health and the health of our family members and friends depend on it.
Rick Marolt, Madison
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