Saturday, May 26, 2007

Intentional Behavior and Cruelty: Video Snips

Interesting clips of animals acting with intention and planning and disturbing clips of primates (mostly) being hurt in various bogus research projects.

This is a nice short overview asking why we don't seem to recognize that intelligent life is all around us.

Here is a crow using and modifying a tool in a laboratory setting.

Naysayers (think bigots) might claim that learned behavior in a laboratory isn't really an indication of intentional behavior and mind. Maybe the crow in the clip above was taught to behave in this way over time, and maybe he or she isn't really goal directed. Here's an example of more diligent tool fashioning by a wild crow.

Interspecies interpersonal relationships are significant challenges to claims that animals are not independent agents. In this clip, a crow befriends a young cat.

Here's a clip from the Ellen DeGeneres Show of a dog who is clearly acting with intent.

This is a collection of three snips. All three show goal-directed planning. The animal escaping from the pit is an African animal called a ratel or honey badger.

This is a video of a bonobo named Kanzi playing Pacman.

This a snip of the widely publicized early 1950s experiment designed by the infamous Harry Harlow that demonstrated what everyone already knew. It amounted to little more child abuse. Of note is the term used to describe the housing conditons: "semi-isolation." In the labs today, the sides of the cages are solid and the isolation more profound, yet, the labs consistently and uniformily claim that the monkeys are not isolated because they have visual and auditory contact with other monkeys.

This is the story of Britches, an infant stumptailed macaque rescued by "terrorists" (ALF) from a lab at the University of California-Riverside in 1985. If rescuing this baby is terrorism, then I'm pro-terrorism.

This is child abuse as rocket science. The chimpanzee is named Ham.

This is undercover footage taken inside the Covance lab in Vienna, Virginia. Every lab claims that the animals they hurt and kill are treated with respect.

This is a tightly edited piece that says that hurting an owl monkey is justified if crippled humans might be helped. What isn't shown are the surgeries or the life the monkey is being forced to endure. Why are drawings used rather than shots of the monkey? This monkey is a victim of our self-importance.

This is part of the hours upon hours of video taken inside the NIH Oregon National Primate Research Center by Matt Rossell while he was working as an environmental enrichment technician.

This is the result of experimental brain operations. No one other than the vivisector who did this benefited whatsoever.

This is undercover video from inside Huntingdon Life Sciences. The knowledge that this is going on day in and day out and that government supports and defends such cruelty is the main reason that some people are compelled to take direct action to stop it.

A series of stills from within the monkey labs to the accompanyment of Maria Daines' "Monkey in a Cage."

Know of other snips demonstrating animal mind and/or crulty in the monky labs? Send me a link.

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