Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hypervitaminosis A in experimental nonhuman primates

Hypervitaminosis A in experimental nonhuman primates: evidence, causes, and the road to recovery. Dever JT, Tanumihardjo SA. Am J Primatol. 2009 Oct.

Collectively, we believe that the detection of very high VA [vitamin A] concentrations and stellate cell hypertrophy in rhesus and vervet monkeys strongly suggest that hypervitaminosis A is widespread among captive nonhuman primates and that this nutritional anomaly threatens to invalidate any data obtained from their experimental use.
Using primate models to answer sophisticated biological questions requires an equally sophisticated understanding of their basal nutritional needs. We have identified a systemic hypervitaminosis A in at least two different species of experimental primates (i.e., rhesus and vervet). This condition may be causing unknown degrees of data corruption and erroneous conclusions from any study involving their use, but especially studies aimed at immune function and vaccine development [i.e. SIV] against infectious diseases where VA is a known modulator.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Animals in Medical Research: The Ethics of Stewardship of Creation"

A discussion at Blessed Sacrament Church, Madison, Wisconsin on November 15, 2010, Feastday of the natural scientist/ theologian St Albert the Great. Father Pat Norris, Matt Rassette, a UW-Madison veterinarian, and Rick Marolt, an expert on the ethics of primate research, examine society's use of God's animals in experimentation.